About CEFC Projects

Center for Industry 4.0 (C4i4) Lab Pune
C4i4 Lab actively promotes adoption of Industry 4.0 technologiesthrough various awareness and training programs aimed at handholding Indian manufacturing companies for actual implementation. The Lab provides organizations with a unique immersive opportunity to look and feel various use-cases of Industry 4.0 which triggers implementable actions.

IITD-AIA Foundation for Smart Manufacturing
The foundation will setup an Industry 4.0 technologies demonstration workshop and conduct related programmes in IITD campuses at Delhi and Sonipat. 

I4.0 India at IISc Factory R & D Platform
IISc will set up country’s first industrial R&D application development facilities in the subject of Industry 4.0. Services include development and help in adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies.

Smart Manufacturing Demo & Development Cell at CMTI
CMTI will create a full-fledged smart factory for demonstration and experience of Industry 4.0 techniques. The factory will be setup at CMTI with focus on machine tools, aerospace and automobile sectors. It will be first full-fledged Industry 4.0 facility of the country. 

Industry 4.0 projects at MHI CoE in Advanced Manufacturing Technology, IIT Kharagpur
It is the development of an integrated, unobtrusive, multimodal sensing unit that can coherently acquire sensors’ data and analyze it in a composite engine for descriptive, diagnostic and predictive analyses of machinery condition to optimize and take informed decisions.